Want to feel happier? Try cooking some soup!

Making Soup

Preparing soup, even if you’ve never done it before, even if you’ve never used a pot, is a task you can master. It’s true; trust me.

How does this chore elevate your mood? Each step you follow when cooking soup is an action that increases happiness. Here are the steps – you can do them at your own pace – take days, if you prefer:

  • Choose a recipe – online or from a cookbook or magazine or newspaper
  • Make a list of needed ingredients
  • Open kitchen cabinets and refrigerator to see which ingredients you already have
  • Make a list of items you will need to buy
  • Go to the market to fulfill your list
  • Follow the recipe, step by step
  • Taste your soup
  • Invite a neighbor, friend or family member to enjoy a bowl of your creation.

Note what you’ve accomplished: You started with raw ingredients and ended with a delicious meal. You organized and planned ahead, you went outdoors, you succeeded, and at the end you socialized. Congratulations, you’ve lifted your mood.

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