The Tapping Cure

Tapping Cure Hands

Want to get rid of nervousness? You can do it! No meds, no talk therapy – the cure is in your hands! Use this tapping method to overcome social anxiety.

You’re not alone if you dread meeting new people. Whether at work, at a friend’s party, in a classroom, in a bar, you encounter strangers and you wonder – are they judging me? Am I good enough? Will I make a fool of myself?

There is quick help for you if your personality is holding you back socially or professionally. If your erroneous thoughts are preventing you from enjoying life it’s time to GET A GRIP.

The tapping cure works like this: You create the appropriate sentence for your situation (I’ll show you how to do that) and then you tap on the appropriate part of your body (I’ll show you how to do that) and you will quickly eradicate your unwanted thoughts and feelings.

Your sentence will consist of three parts:

Part 1 is simply two words: Even though

Part 2 is your unique fear. Some examples: I am stupid

                                                                     Nobody ever likes me

                                                                    I am too _________ (fill in the blank)

                                                                    I cannot succeed at _______

Part 3 consist of three words: I accept myself

Now please put together your sentence.

Some examples:

Even though I’m too shy to talk to a new person I accept myself.

Even though I’m too stupid to learn how to do this new job I accept myself.

Even though I’ll never learn to relax in public I accept myself.

Even though nobody will ever come over to talk to me I accept myself.

Social anxiety is usually helped by tapping on the bone under your eye and then by tapping on your collarbone. When you tap under your eye please use two fingers and you may use either hand and tap under either eye. Use four fingers for tapping on your collarbone – again, either hand, either collarbone. 

You tap while you repeat your sentence three times. First you say your sentence three times while you tap under your eye, and then you say your sentence three times while you tap your collarbone. Many people prefer to tap with their eyes closed.

After you finish tapping you will have repeated your sentence six times. Most people notice an immediate relief from their anxiety. You may benefit from repeating the entire sequence once or twice more if you are still feeling nervous.

Tapping works best if you are experiencing your fear, your dread, your anxiety, to a great extent. So, allow yourself to experience your dreaded feelings right before you start tapping.

You did it! Congratulations!

Need more help? Make your sentence more specific. For example, instead of saying Even though I’m dreading speaking in public I accept myself, change your sentence to Even though I’m dreading talking to the managers on Tuesday in the conference room, I accept myself.

Some people say they have better results if they drink water before and after their tapping session, and some people say they have better results tapping several times each day.

I wish you success in overcoming your situation.

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