Do you hold a grudge?

Live Well Scrabble Tiles

Do you want to get even because someone slighted you, cheated you, betrayed you, or just made you feel bad?

Getting back at someone is a way to express your anger. But, it means you are doing something that is down at their level; you are not presenting your best self. And, you are permitting anger and resentment to become part of your everyday life. That takes a toll on your well-being.  It’s not good to have negativity in your daily life.

Instead, consider how to have a wonderful, stress-free life. Devote your energies to yourself and to filling your days with goodness, kindness, and activities that  bring you joy. Don’t waste your energy or your time with negativity. The past cannot be changed, but you can determine your future. The best revenge is a life well-lived. Go for it!

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