Dear Dr. Roberta,I try to be a good person. I try to be spiritual and kind. But, I am not proud to say that I …

Dear Dr. Roberta,I try to be a good person. I try to be spiritual and kind. But, I am not proud to say that I …
Dear Dr. Roberta,I’ve just been promoted and now I wake up many times during the night because I have thoughts about what I have to …
Dear Dr. Roberta, My whole life I’ve been afraid of elevators and now my office is moving to the 8th floor. I’m not old enough …
Dear Dr. Roberta,I’m in love with a guy at work and he barely notices me. I try to get his attention but so far nothing …
Dear Dr. Roberta, My husband was just diagnosed with a serious disease and we don’t know if we should tell our kids. What do you …