A Good Lie is an issue-based psychological domestic fiction. When a family receives flawed medical advice catastrophe ensues. The father struggles to raise his daughter while perpetuating a devastating lie. The daughter, in an attempt to find community, connects with a cunning cult leader and later a devious, unqualified psychotherapist. Two strong women rescue the family: Suzie, who has successfully recovered from a serious psychiatric disorder and thoughtfully defies societal expectations, and hardworking Dot, who is the voice of reason and provides common sense, sanity and love. Despite it all, adults fall in love.
Dr. Temes is the award-winning author of many best-selling psychology books, including The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Hypnosis (Alpha Books), and The Tapping Cure (DeCapo). A Good Lie is her first work of fiction.
Dr. Roberta is available for podcast interviews. Please email her at rtemes@aol.com.