Intimacy Missing in Marriage

Dear Dr. Roberta,
My husband moved into our spare room and has not slept with me for almost a year. When I tell him I miss him and I want us to be close again he says he is not interested. He goes to work and supports the kids and me and pays the mortgage and he is nice enough to be around but there used to be more to our life. Is this grounds for divorce?

Neglected, Maryland

Dear Neglected,
Are you ready to support the kids and pay the mortgage and live as a single parent? If you are not, then don’t talk about divorce. Make it easy for your husband to move back to your bedroom and consider planning a weekend away with him, without the kids. If that fails ask him to go with you to a marriage counselor. If that fails go by yourself to explore your options and then get a job and get a lawyer.

– Dr. Roberta

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