Husband Won’t Take Care of Me


Dear Dr. Roberta,
Please help me. I am married to a man who doesn’t care about me. Lately I’ve had health problems but he goes out with his friends and won’t drive me to the hospital for my appointments. When I complain he says he’s not my nurse. I feel so alone. But, if I get a divorce I’ll be even more alone. What should I do?

Wife, Louisiana

Dear Wife,

Don’t make a decision about a divorce until you feel strong. For now concentrate on getting someone to take you to, and stay with you during, your medical appointments. Call the social service office in town and call your local religious institutions. They are there to help you. You are not alone. Your husband may care about you very much but may be so frightened because you are sick that he cannot bear to be involved with your care. Try talking to him about his reaction to your health problems.

– Dr. Roberta

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